Betsan of Stitchlinks is asking if anyone would be willing to participate in a knitting research project?
Experts in pain management, depression, primary care, dyslexia and education are also interested in Stitchlinks' work and are in regular contact. Future projects are being planned. There is a distinct possibility that, if their theories are correct, knitting and stitching will be recognised as a valuable therapy for a number of conditions.
The pilot study run by Cardiff University only needs some 15 more knitters to complete it. The principal researcher Jeni has agreed to come up to Bath one Saturday to run the final stage of the study in Betsan’s house (with the consent of Cardiff University). Each contributor would be seen individually for ~45 minutes.
I'm definitely going: would anyone else be willing to take part? It’s on the weekend of the 9-10th February and Betsan will provide refreshments on the day! Email me or Betsan if you're interested please!An academic expert in depression, Dr Ulrich von Hecker, and psychology researcher Jeni Brown (of Fyberspates) from Cardiff University have been running a pilot study utilising knitting. They’ve been looking at whether the automatic nature of knitting is pushing out automatic negative thought cycles and rumination.
I would love to help, but as I haven't knitted a thing in years I really don't qualify :(
However, I do think they're onto something re the therapeutic nature of needlecraft in general, not just knitting. I was off work with stress a few years ago and the thing that kept me going during that time was doing tapestry (needlepoint)work. I think it was the repetitive nature of the work that soothed my overactive brain and stopped me dwelling on the screaming that was going on inside. If they add tapestry to the study, count me in!
Posted by: VP | 11/01/2008 at 07:06 PM