Graphic design student from Bath Spa Uni with some questions. If you have the time to answer them please email them to me and I'll pass them on!
I'm a Graphic Design student from Bathspa University and I am hoping if you could help me with a few questions about 'Stitch n Bitch' and making issues for a project that I am doing?
Firstly I'll quickly explain the project: I am looking at how to persuade makers, (groups such as yourself) to make their own clothes to keep warm.
I am interested in knitting because i have noticed a growing number of people have taken up the craft and was wondering if these makers make functional clothes for themselves to keep warm.
- Do you make your own clothes for yourself or other people?
- If so why? are there more reasons behind making than just the enjoyment side for example environmental reasons, energy prices? if so please explain?
- When making clothes do you think about how warm and functional they will be or do you tend to focus on the fashion or both?
- Do you make more clothes in the winter to keep warm?
- Do you recycle your materials that you use?
- Do you find it easy to recycle or make new clothes out of old clothes, if so do you do this?
- Do you encourage makers to make their own clothes?
I would also be interested on your views about knit wear and the quality of clothes in general that are in the shops:
- Do you think that knit wear in shops are thick enough to keep you warm? or do you feel that they are made thin to encourage people to buy more clothes?
- Do you think that the quality of hand made clothes are better than bought clothes?
- Do you think that by making your own clothes you would buy less clothes?
Thank you and it would be great if you and perhaps other members of the 'Stitch n Bitch' group could help me out, any other views or making issues would be great to hear!
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